
Explore the versatility and power of CX Hero through our interactive demos, each designed to showcase how our AI-driven chatbots excel in various applications. From personalized shopping experiences with our Virtual Sales Assistant to tailored travel advice for globetrotters, and efficient IT Tech Support solutions, CX Hero transforms interactions across industries.

Our demos highlight the chatbot's capability to provide real-time, GDPR-compliant support, leveraging extensive knowledge bases and advanced language models. Whether you're exploring language learning with our French Tutor for English Students or seeking instant product insights in e-commerce, CX Hero's demos offer a glimpse into the future of customer service and educational tools. Discover how CX Hero adapts to different settings, offering solutions that are not just innovative but also aligned with user needs and preferences.

External REST APIs

Unlock Advanced Customization with CX Hero: Integrate External REST APIs for Enhanced Data Connectivity. Connect your CX Hero chatbots to a vast array of external data sources, enriching customer interactions with dynamic, up-to-date information. Tailor your chatbot's responses with real-time data for a more personalized and informed user experience. Embrace the power of seamless API integrations to elevate your customer support and engagement strategy


Integrating CX Hero chatbots into your company's Slack channel allows for streamlined communication and customer support directly within Slack. By connecting CX Hero with Slack, businesses can automate responses to common inquiries, assist team members more efficiently, and manage customer or internal support requests from within a familiar workspace environment.


WhatsApp is a popular messaging app that is used by over 1.5 billion people in over 180 countries. It is owned by Facebook and is the most popular messaging app in the world. It is also the most popular messaging app in India, with over 400 million users.

Facebook Messenger

Integrating CX Hero chatbots with Facebook Messenger enables businesses to automate customer interactions on the social platform, providing instant support and engaging with users effectively. This setup allows for personalized communication, handling inquiries, and even conducting transactions directly through Messenger, enhancing customer experience.

Google Drive

For Google Drive integration, CX Hero can utilize data stored in Drive as sources for generating responses, ensuring that the chatbot's answers are informed by the latest company documents, spreadsheets, and other resources. This integration facilitates up-to-date and accurate information delivery to users, improving response quality and relevance.


Integrating discord with CX Hero is very easy. You just need to create a discord bot and provide the token to CX Hero and the CX Hero Platform will take care of the rest.


The Telegram Channel feature allows users to interact with your bot through Telegram. This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to create and set up the Telegram channel for your bot.

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